Staking v2 - Coming soon!

Staking v2 is on the way!

What's Staking v2?

Staking v2 extends the functionality of the existing system. Beyond bug fixes and streamlining QoL workflows, the upgrade offers our token holders new-and-improved features, gas efficiency, and a new user-friendly interface.

These UX enhancements are possible thanks to improvements we made to our staking contracts. We also conducted and passed two external audits to ensure our v2 contracts were as secure as possible.

The upgraded contracts and interface give v2 users the power to claim rewards from multiple pools in one transaction, claim their revenue distributions, and more.

Staking v2 is a mandatory update for all those staking in the Illuvium Protocol. We want all of our stakers to experience the full benefits of the upgraded system and leave no ILV token holder behind.

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